Read Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2) Online

Authors: Rayne O'Gara

Tags: #womens fiction, #biker romance, #new adult romance, #new adult contemporary, #motorcycle club romance, #multiple partners, #mfm

Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
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Walking carefully across the gravel, we all silently seem to steel ourselves for what is about to happen, or what may not happen. I really want those two bikers, but shit might not go down in the way we plan. Except for Jay. She was straight on invited, so my support is with her tonight.

In the bar I think she starts looking a little, a lot, nervous, and yeah maybe we all need a little go get ‘em juice. My hand raises motioning for the bartender, and when his attention turns to me I order three shots of tequila. With my shots I turn to Jay and an asshole blows his freaking cigarette smoke straight into Jay’s face. Her mouth turns down and her hand resting on the bar clenches.

Oh shit. Defuse.

That girl is like a powder keg about to explode sometimes and needs watching. I clasp her hand in mine before pulling her behind me to a not so crowed area of the bar where we can motivate Jay. She looks amazing tonight. And way out of her comfort zone. If I didn’t think this would be so good for her I would have nixed Stacy’s idea on the dress. But as usual Stacy was spot on fashion wise. The little black number Jay is wearing is sure to drop the pants of her two bikers.

Stacy picks up one of the shots and hands it to Jay, snapping her out of whatever inner
woe is me
monologue she has going on. "Don’t ask what it is. Just drink it. Liquid courage." Stacy pushes and Jay downs it. I nod my approval, kick mine back, and watch Jay’s shaky first steps. I’m so proud of her when she becomes more confident, but the hot looks from her two bikers help her boost. Hell, if someone looked at me like that I would never worry about anything ever again. Only on how can I get them to look at me like that

“Not thinking she needs us here anymore,” Stacy’s voice sounds in my ear and I pull my eyes away from Jay to Stace with a smile.

“No I don’t think she does. Bitch better detail up tomorrow,” I snicker, wanting everything to go wonderfully for her.

“Ha, she better not call me too early, I plan on having my own details to confess tomorrow. And I say confess because I plan on being very, very, sinful.” A sly smile curves her lips before she hits back another shot. “Except I think we’re going to need to change up our lineup.” Her head motions over to the direction Jay walked toward.

Oh, baby.

Dark, dark eyes stare into mine. I could feel his lust across the crowded room. It settles deep within my belly and my knees almost buckle from the power of his stare. Tearing my gaze from his, I blink back at Stacy.

“He’s one of the ones you wanted, yeah?”

“It’s all good, babe. They are all smokin’ hot, I would be happy with whatever fate threw at me. It’s not like I’m picking out my forever after. You will just have to spill extra details later.” I roll my eyes at her and signal toward the now empty pool tables.

“Grab us some drinks, I’m snagging a table,” I order her and head over to the now vacant pool table. My hands tremble lightly as I rack the balls, ignoring the world around me. His eyes. I can’t get those eyes out of my head. I can still feel them boring into me. Intense. The man is king of come-fuck-me eyes, because that is all I want to do. Screw the game. I want to walk over to him, straddle his hips, and rub my aching body all over him.

“Girl, you need to cool down.” Stacy joins me and thrusts an ice cold bottle into my hands. Gulping at it generously, I motion to the cues and try to cool down as she suggested.

“Yeah, I’m good. Let’s play and act like we don’t care,” I mumble, not knowing if she can hear me. Nerves have started to eat at me. Glancing up, I catch the back of Jay being pulled by one of her guys and I smile at Stace. “Score one for Jay,” I say excitedly.

Stace shakes her head. “Nope, she just left with both of them. Score
for her.”

“She’s going to be okay, right?” I know this is what Jay wants, but I’m so scared for her. What do we really know about these guys other than they are in fact scary bikers? I know me and Stacy could handle ourselves but Jay’s mouth has gotten her into more that she can handle.

“She going to be fine, babe. Stop worrying over her and worry about your own sex life. It’s desperate and needs attention.” My eyes narrow before I stick my tongue out at her.

“Such a bitch. I love you, why?” I ask sarcastically. Her hand motions up and down her body before she winks at me. I can’t help laughing at her. “Oh yeah, ‘cause you’re smokin’ hot. How could I forget?”

“I have honestly no idea. Your memory really worries me at times. Your shot.” Her hand motions to the green felt table in front of her. Rolling my eyes at her, I plan my move.

Chapter One




Our game progresses slowly, with me kicking her skinny ass. I only have one striped ball left on the felt compared to her six. Her focus has been complete shit. With good reason. The big redhead I originally lusted after kept, according to Stacy, licking his lips at her. She would know because her eyes have been glued to the group of bikers. Me? I have been focusing on winning the game. And I can still feel his eyes all over me. The intensity scares the crap outta me.

I line up my next shot, bend over the table, and freeze. Something has changed. I can feel it in the air, a buzzing, hot, primal fear. I instantly feel like prey being hunted. Standing up without taking my shot, I slowly turn around and become shocked. I am sure the big, staring, specimen of lust would be right there, but it’s the blond curly haired man that is leaning against a post next to our drink table.

Sweet baby Jesus, he is even better looking up close. His curls give him this tousled just rolled out of bed look, that could very well be true. Bright green eyes instantly draw me in, but give nothing of his emotions away. Strong square jawline covered with a light scruff that seems to give him the slight edge away from adorable and into smoking panty melting hotness. He brings up his beer bottle to his full pink lips, but before he drinks from it the tip of his tongue flicks at the rim of glass. My cheeks flush, awareness rushing through my body to settle on my already pulsing clit. The corner of his mouth ticks up in a smirk before his left eye winks at me.

He knows exactly what he does to a woman and I want to be the woman he does it to. His sexual confidence would normally put me off him. The cocky attitude isn’t a trait that normally turns me on in a man, but even with portraying that particular trait he practically oozes it, giving him a reason to be so cocky. He has talents and damn if I don’t want to explore all of them.

“Don’t mind me, keep playing. I just moved in for a better view.” My blush burns on my face at his words. Gasping, I spin back and face Stacy over the green table.

Oh my God.

A better view…from right behind me…

Oh my God.

A man has never come right out and said he was watching my ass, let alone had to move closer for an even better view. I can’t concentrate on anything now. How could I!? He is right behind me. Watching me. My ass. Bent over the fucking pool table. Would Stacy get upset if I told him to fuck me right here and now?


Where the hell did that come from? I’m not into public sex, hell, I’m not into public anything. I would never do something like that. So where is this desire coming from? The desire to pull my skirt up over my hips, bend over the cool wood of the rail, and have him rip my soaked panties away from my body before pounding every inch of his cock inside of me, faster, harder, not caring about anything or anyone around us watching. Would we arouse the watchers? Would their own dicks get stiff?

I mentally shake that picture out of my head and try to concentrate on my shot. My mind wants me to be a very, very, bad girl. I don’t understand this. My reaction to him is crazy and irrational. I am not that kind of girl.

“Oh, I do have an ulterior motive.” I grind my teeth together, trying to keep the moan at bay from his smooth voice. Like whiskey. Warm, smooth, and burns all the way down to your toes. I turn back toward him and have to clear my throat before spitting the words out.

“What motive is that?” Please say to fuck me, please say to fuck me.

“See there’s this bet.” A bet? “We were watching you ladies play and we decided to make a wager.”

“We?” I have to ask. If Stace and I are going to be a part of some idiotic wager, then we at least deserve to know who in fact is doing the betting.

His hand waves behind him, motioning to someone. I lean a bit to my right and spot who he’s talking about. The big staring one, who is now standing up from his chair. Oh shit, oh shit,
oh shit
. My eyes go wide before I can school my features into a mask of indifference. “Caveman and me.” His voice pulls my attention back to his smiling face.

Does he have to be so dangerously alluring?

“So this bet was what, exactly?” Stacy asks and I send her a silent thank you. I’m not sure I can say anything right now. My tongue feels swollen and my throat is bone dry. I would just grab a drink to soothe myself, but he is still standing right next to my beer. Getting closer to him is probably a horrible idea, at least until were alone and not around so many interested eyes.

“Well, I bet a fifty that I could distract Sweet Thang here long enough for you to come back and win the game.” He answers Stacy with a smirk and winks at me again when he said Sweet Thang. “My friend over there, he disagrees. Caveman doesn’t think that I will be able to stop her from winning.”

“That does seem interesting. Any rules about me giving advice on how best to distract her?” Stacy winks at me and rubs the tip of her cue stick with blue chalk. Is she trying to kill me? Pushing me into his arms is what she is doing and my anxiety is over the moon right now on how exactly he would distract me. If it has anything to do with him touching me, then Caveman better be ready to fork over his fifty bucks. One touch from this man and I will not only lose the game but I will orgasm on the spot.

“Who fucking cares about rules? I’m not a man who plays by any rules.”

Holy shit.

“No touching.” A deep rough voice tickles my spine, my eyes snap up to the new player in this game. Yes, this is most definitely a game. I’m not ignorant, I see that I’m being played. I just hope the game ends where I want it to. In blissful sexual exhaustion.

Caveman is freaking tall. Like tree tall. And I’m feet away from him. If I was right in front of him my neck would cramp up, but my head would rest nicely over his heart. He is at least a foot taller than me at five feet six inches in my bare feet. His wide shoulders remind me of a professional football player, with the pads. Long arms, narrow waist, tree trunk thick thighs, even longer legs. Black, buzzed hair cut close to the skull and black eyes that freak me out. So dark I can’t even find the difference of pupil from iris. As a whole this man is intimidating, frightening, a whole lot of scary as hell. So why do I feel safe with him?


But kind of nice.

And still scary.

Like a rollercoaster that freaks you the fuck out but at the same time you know that you wouldn’t be in any actual danger. Or a trapeze, you could let yourself experience the thrill and the danger of flying through the air but be secure in knowing that if you fall the safety net is right there to catch you.

Freaking odd as hell.

“So he can distract her with words, but no touching?” Stacy asks Caveman, pulling me back into the conversation. I move my eyes away from Caveman when he nods his answer, to look at the blond man smiling hugely.

“Thought I needed a babysitter?” He smirks at his friend. Caveman just snorts before rolling his eyes.

“I’m Stacy, she is Noelle, he is Caveman, and you are?” I’m really insanely happy she is here right now. There would be a hell of a lot of silence if not for her. Queen of conversation? Yeah that’s not me at all.

“Wood,” he answers Stacy with another smirk that has me rolling my eyes at him this time. Wood? Figures. I also figure that he is the playboy of the group. Stacy nods to Wood before looking over to the still watching redhead.

“And you are?” Her voice almost purrs her question.

“Interested.” His brown eyes light on Stacy and my stomach clenches for her—that look was so powerful. Damn.

My tongue flicks my bottom lip in nervousness before my brain starts to click. Inner competiveness comes online and like a wave, crashes over me. I really want to win this game all of a sudden. Does the question of what happens after the game is over have anything to do with my eagerness? Completely.

I once again line up my shot, calm myself, pull back on the smooth wooden stick in my hands, and miss the ball completely to hit the banks and tap one of Stacy’s balls into the right side pocket.

Wood’s hands box me in against the pool table. The heat from his body seeps into my back, so close, but not touching. Another low growl vibrates from his chest. The first one stole my attention and caused me to miss that shot.

“You have any idea what you bending over this table does to my cock?”

I open my mouth to answer, but no sound escapes so I shake my head in answer to his question.

“You think I give a fuck if everyone in this bar watches me fuck you?”

No, I really don’t think he would care. Shit, I wouldn’t care at this moment. I want to be bad. Really bad.

BOOK: Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
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