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Authors: Mocha Lovan

Tags: #General Fiction

What My Eyes Can't See (6 page)

BOOK: What My Eyes Can't See
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“What up wit it?” I answered the phone, not knowing if I wanted to continue with the conversation that was about to take place.

“Yeah maine. I’m not getting anything on Sacaria nor her friends. It’s all good. Niggas is just jawzin’. I checked every strip club around here, bruh.”

“A’ight, you sure, blood? You checked everywhere? Did you remember to show the picture I gave you?”

“Yeah bruh, it’s good. Nobody seen her. If I hear something on a humbug, I will get at chu.”

“Fa sho. Get at me.” I hung up the phone.

“Who was that, bae?” Sacaria peeped her head into the den where I was sitting watching

“Just some business, bae. What’s up?”

“Oh, I thought you didn't discuss business in the man cave. You had such an intense look on your face when I peeped in, that I thought that I would check on you.”

“The entire purpose of a man cave is for you not to be peeping on me, right?”

“My bad bae, but I get lonely when you’re in the man cave. Why can’t I come watch sports with you? I like sports too.”

“Oh yeah? Okay bae, come here.” I patted my lap for her to sit. “What’s my favorite football team… no wait…what’s my favorite of any team?”

“Um… the red ones with the—”

“Bye Sacaria. Close the door and lock it on the way out.” Sacaria went stomping and pouting out of the room. I hit the intercom button. “Todd and Q’ might be stopping by. Make sure the beer is cold and that the dip is ready for me baby, please and thank you.”

“Oh you didn't tell me that your friends were coming by.”

“Bae, are the beers cold?”

“Yes and the dip is ready,” Sacaria said in monotone.

“Okay, I love you.” Making kissing sounds through the intercom, I hung up.

“Yeah, yeah.”

Since I had cameras and an intercom system, I could see and hear everything that went on in and outside of my house. When Q’ and Todd pulled up in the driveway, I could see Q’Mari flipping me the bird and laughing on his way to the door.

“They are h—”

“I know, bae, I can see the camera too,” Sacaria said with sarcasm.

“Yeah boy! It’s on. I got two bets on this one right here,” Todd said, as he took a seat in one of the lounge chairs and popped open a tall can of beer.

Q’Mari always seemed to be rooting for the opposing team. “Nigga you trippin’, I got this one in the bag.” I don’t know how we got along well enough to be fans of separate teams, but it worked. It made the betting and the cheering more intense. It also made for a thrill every time we went to live games. I loved the opposition.

“Boy, you sick if you think I’m losing today!” We all went back and forth about who was winning or losing and how much we bet on the game. It was nice to have my boys over since we hadn't chilled in a minute. I needed this get together to get me back on track, so that I could see what I might otherwise take for granted. Every aspect of my life had been fulfilled. With the love of my life just a few rooms away, my boys at the house with me chilling like villains, and my mom doing well, there was nothing else to ask for. I felt complete.


Taniyah’s ass had been calling me all day long. I have been sending her and Erica’s calls to voicemail for a while. If I want to keep my man, I have to stay away from them for a while. I cannot keep running with them constantly, if I want to keep Shayvon. Whether it is true or not, I need to him to believe that I am not doing anything wrong and that he can trust me. These bitches act as if they cannot understand that, and I am not about to leave Shayvon for nobody. It probably wouldn’t hurt to call them up and tell them what the deal is, but I don’t think that they will understand. Erica is all about independence and not needing a man for shit. Taniyah won’t do anything but ride with Erica, and I don't want to hear that shit. At the end of the day, I’m like why bother trying to get them to understand the way I feel and what I have to do. To be honest, Shay was with me before I knew them and I was good.

I love him, no matter how it may seem. My mind and body just yearn for things that he does not understand. I would never want to hurt him. Shayvon is the only man that has ever loved me. I would be a damn fool to give that up for a bitch, or anyone else for that matter.

How could I expect Shayvon to understand the other side of me? When I was living in Atlanta, I did whatever I wanted when I wanted. I was living care free and oblivious to judgment. You could say that I was the true definition of a bad girl. I had some down ass bitches by my side, which was exactly what I needed at the time. Granny had passed and I was lonely. It was damn near impossible to feel the void. With them, I was good to go. I stopped crying and actually took part in what the world had to offer.

When Erica started taking me to the strip club, it was like being back in the ATL. I felt high just being there. The pills and powder just enhanced the feelings. I’m not even sure if I remember everything from those nights, or if it was a dream, but when my high starts to come down, everything comes to a stopping point and all I want to do is go home to Shayvon.

Suffice it to say, that I cannot stay away from Shay for long. I’m tired of lying and sneaking, but if these bitches blow it all for me, I don’t know what I will do. I can’t lose Shayvon, period. Shayvon is my heart and soul. Without him, I am nothing.

The night that Shayvon had to pull my high ass out of Erica’s house, was a real low point for me. The hurt and disappointment was evident, because I could see it on his face. It hurt me to see that I hurt him. I need to make this right, but I don’t know how. When I feel the feelings rise up in my body, it’s as if I become a different person, and that person is one that I can’t stop. That person is selfish and doesn’t care about anybody else, or who she hurts, and I am defenseless against her. It’s as if I can see everything that I’m doing, but it doesn’t feel like me. Maybe it’s the drugs and alcohol that get me to that point, but regardless; even when I want to stop, I can’t. The entire time I was over there with her, I kept thinking that I should stop and go home, but I never did.

For the sake of love, I needed to make it up to my baby. When the game was over and his friends left, I offered him a lovely surprise. It was my job to show my baby what a real woman was made of.

“Hey daddy. How was the game?”

“It was more than cool. I just need to collect on my bet. Bitch betta have my money, ya heard me? I might have to buy you something nice for being a good lil wifey.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“No need. You're all the gift I need.” I grabbed him gently by the arm and started pulling him beside me while I walked.

“Where you taking me, bae?” he asked, looking around for cameras as if he was being punked.

“Shh…just come with me.”

Shay walked with me up the stairs until we reached the tub in our master bathroom. Scented candles lit the room with a romantic incandescence that set the mood for what the night had in store for him. The flames from the candles sent a subtle sparkle over the tub as steam rose from beneath the bubbles. I untied my silk robe to reveal sexy black lingerie that gripped my body perfectly, and a shiny new belly button ring, which had Shay’s initials hanging from it in platinum letters. My robe fell to the floor. I reached over slowly to a platter that I prepared with erotic snacks and lifted one chocolate-covered strawberry to his lips. As he bit into it, I pulled him close, went on my tippy toes and bit the other side. After Shay devoured the strawberry, I licked the remaining drops of chocolate from his bottom lip and untied his sweat shorts. Shay bent down to kiss me and pushed his boxers to the floor. I turned to let Shay undress me and then seductively walked over to the tub, dipped my foot into the steamy arrangement of bubbles. Then I looked back at Shay, with my tongue slowly rounding my top lip.

My eyes were on his full erection, as he joined me in the luxurious bath. The lavender oil in the water made our skin soft and silky. We slid up next to each other with a passionate kiss; Shay lifted me up onto his lap. I began to nibble at this ear when he let my ass plop down onto his dick and he thrust himself inside of me. The water rose and fell, rippling against our skin as we grinded together in sync. Before Shay could cum, I grabbed his sac and held it firmly, so that he would not explode. I flipped around to my knees, letting my long curls fling over to one side, leaving Shay with the option to pull on it. Our tub is huge, so we could get as freaky as we pleased. As he slid in and out and side to side, Shay moaned in the sexiest way. I never heard him moan that way before. His moan turned me on to the highest degree.

“I love you, bae,” Shay moaned

“I love you too, daddy. Now fuck me,” I cried.

Using my ass, I slowly pushed Shay back, so that he slid into the water with his back against the tub. I let my fingers do all the talking. I massaged every part of his body with deep and intense pulses. That’s when Shay leaned his head back, closed his eyes and sighed.

“Ahhh… baby…”

I let my tongue flutter over the muscles in his chest and massaged his dick. Damn, the dick was looking tasty. I wanted to rush through, so I could get my nut, but I didn't. I took my time. Through the mirror, I saw moonlight casting onto our bedroom balcony.
If I’m going to do it, I want to do it right, I thought.
Without saying a word, I got out of the tub and walked onto the balcony. Shay followed suit. He knew what I was thinking. When I turned to see him, he was already approaching. In one big swoop, he lifted me onto the balcony railing. My fear of heights sent a rush to my womb and a chill down my spine. Shay fucked me right there on the rail of the second floor balcony, not knowing who was watching. Nor did we care. With my arms wrapped around him, I held on tight. He pounded me so hard that my nails sunk into his back. He bit my neck. “Oh shit!” I screamed as our juices collided into each other and made one big explosion.


“Bitch, have you talked to Sacaria? She ain’t been answering her phone or replying to none of my texts.”

“Nope she’s acting funny as fuck. Shayvon must be cuffing.”

“Either that or that thot think she’s too good to hang with us now. She better get her ass off her shoulders, before she make me pop up at her doorstep with an unpleasant surprise.”

“You would be out of line for that.”

“I would be, but we both know that I don’t care about being wrong. My uncle wants me to entertain for him this weekend. I can invite Sacaria and Shay to come partake in the festivities. That should put both of them at ease. Then maybe we can all get back on track with each other.”

“Yep that sounds real cool. I’m down for whatever you got planned.”

“Cool. Be ready for whatever. You know how I do.”

“You ain’t said nothing. I got chu.”

“You better.”


I don’t know what is going on with Sacaria, but I’m going to find out. What is it that’s bugging her to the point of not even speaking? We’re sisters, or so I thought. I have been there for her at some of her lowest points, when she didn’t have anyone else that understood her. Well, Taniyah was there too, but she doesn’t count.
. Sacaria can’t just turn her back on me as if I don’t exist. I don’t even know why Sacaria would try me. Even if I’m not the best friend she’s ever had, I should still rank in the top ten. I mean damn, she knows that my whole being revolves around loyalty. I have been there for her in ways that Shayvon would never understand. Besides, I have feelings for Sacaria. I rarely waste my time on people or let them into my heart and space. All I know is that I will find out what’s up with Sacaria, even if it means telling her little secrets to her precious Shayvon. I won be left hanging like this. I’m going to give her a chance to redeem herself soon, and if she knows what’s good for her, she won’t disappoint.


Chapter 7

'm a little concerned about my boy, Shayvon. This fool has been tripping lately. Shay has never second-guessed anything I warned him about. When it comes to Sacaria, he's deaf, dumb, and blind. This bitch can do no wrong in his eyes. Me and Q’mari done told this man on numerous occasions to watch out for this girl, and her so-called friends. She must think since she ain’t been out here long that niggas ain’t peeping game. Well, she’s sadly mistaken. When a nigga get a hold of a bad bitch like Sacaria, there is bound to be some hate coming his way. Punk ass niggas can’t wait to throw shade, so the first bit of gossip they get will travel fast. The least Shay could do is look into it, just to be sure that none of its true, but this nigga is on some whole other shit.

I'm trying hard not to take it personally, but I have never seen this side of him. This situation is definitely putting a strain on our bond. He is chasing after that bitch and putting everything we built up at risk. I need to figure out what I can do to get this nigga back on his game. First of all, I’m going to get out my feelings. Then I need to slide through and talk to Erica. Maybe she can shed some light on Sacaria, and the hold she got on Shay. She might be thirsty enough to tell me everything I need to know, if she thinks there is something to gain. Erica is one of those high maintenance females that will do back flips—literally—for some paper. I am not about to give her no muthafuckin’ paper, but I might tease her with this dope dick and see how far that gets me. Shit, I never had a problem getting what I want out of a bitch any other time. The only difference is that this time, I’m dealing with a self-made princess, so I know she gone put up a fight.

I pulled up to Erica’s crib. I didn’t see shit moving, so I shot her a text message to see if she was busy, and have her open her door for me if she wasn’t. She hit me right back and told me to come to the door. Erica came to the door looking good as hell. With a petite build, she stood at about 5’6”, with light brown eyes and smooth chocolate skin tone. Her hair was weaved up and fly as fuck. Her arms were small and toned. She had a real big booty, almost too big for her size with average size titties. The titties was sitting pretty though. She had on some tight, purple, boy shorts with a wife beater and no bra. I could see her titties popping out the sides of her beater.

BOOK: What My Eyes Can't See
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