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Authors: Emma Paul

Kaden's Breeder (2 page)

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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Zya nodded enthusiastically to emphasize the “benefit” of having an alien bacteria swimming around her insides. Okay, now I'm gonna scream ... again. Thoughts of tiny black skeletal aliens with acid for blood popping out of her chest, flashed vividly through her mind. Forcing herself to think “happy thoughts", she gave Zya a tiny smile

Before she could ask another question, Zya suddenly slid forward toward the platform. One of the insect-men or Mantras, as Zya had called them, unlocked the wrist restraints. He was surprisingly gentle as he helped Zya to her feet.

Before she was ushered out of the room, Zya turned to her and smiled promising that they would be talking again. The post holding her adjusted and slid forward bringing her to the platform. One of the Mantras helped her down and directed her towards the exit. Another one waited to take her to wherever she was supposed to go next

Damn I'm taking this pretty well. Yeah right, she could kid herself all she wanted. She was just in shock. Something Zya had said was bothering her. Zya had mentioned Breeders.

What could that possibly mean? She would have to find out as soon as she got the chance to speak with Zya again. Then she would try to figure all this out and if there were a way she could get out of this fiasco, she would find it.

Kaden watched as the Mantra's Breeder vessel landed. His heart almost leapt out of his chest. Finally, his twelve-year warrior training was complete and he was able to participate in the Mating Hunt

Hopefully, there would be Zen Breeders in this shipment. Zen Breeders were highly coveted because they were so exotically beautiful. To have a Breeder was a good thing, to have one that was attractive as well, was a very good thing

His cock throbbed with anticipation of finally having one of his own. There were no Dreg females and his race was one of the few that had to rely on Breeders from outside their species, or face extinction. It was a harsh lesson learned by his ancestors almost a hundred and fifty years ago.

The four clans that once populated Yor battled each other in the first and only civil war ever to ravage the planet. Out of the four, only the Dreg clan survived. Victory came with a price.

It was the reason that the Dregs did not care much for technology. Technology almost destroyed his planet and reduced a once superior and highly advanced warrior race to simple communal living and farming.

Kaden hated to dwell on such depressing thoughts. It was true however, that Yor was the least populated planet within the Three Galaxies. Its inhabitants, the Dregs would not repeat history. Breeders were a necessity no Dreg took lightly

The Mantras assembled outside the vessel.

His stomach clenched with anxious excitement. Soon he would be able to drive his long denied cock into the warm recess of a female's cunt

He had never fucked a female and stories he heard from Dregs who had already mated, was enough to make his balls ache and his cock throb with unfulfilled need. He was tired of getting the usually suckling from younger males apprenticed to senior warriors

For Dreg warriors it was a way of life. At the end of their warrior's training, seasoned officers had to squire newly recruited young men. The last three years of service, a warrior would select younger Dreg males to begin training them.

The sex between warriors was not only accepted but also inevitable in a society were only males were produced. Every Dreg wanted the chance to continue his lineage. And today he would get that chance.

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The Mantras led Carina to a dormitory she and Zya shared with all the other women. She spied Zya immediately and sat down next to her on one of the cushions, strewn around the harem-style room.

It seemed several hours had passed and she spent the entire time getting a crash course in her current situation. It had been just about a week, according to Zya, that they've actually been on the Mantra's ship. Apparently, she had slept through most of it. Zya had told her that she and the other woman were now Breeders.

Zya braided Carina's hair as she explained, “Breeders are females that can be crossbred, and produce offspring for the many different species represented in the Galactic Governing Council. The Breeders had to have certain genetic characteristics that made them both viable and appealing, biologically and physically."

That was why the women Carina had seen so far where all roughly the same shape and size. According to the people of the Three Galaxies, this is the “standard Breeder” requirement. It was strange to say the least.

Zya gave her a serious expression, “It may seem unusual to you even barbaric, but to my people and the people of the Three Galaxies it has become a way of life. It is a necessity if certain species are to continue."

Zya was quite accepting of her fate as a Breeder. In fact, all the women Carina talked to not only wanted to participate in the “Breeding", they were also excited at given the chance. “I can't see myself settling for the status of “Breeder” I'd feel like nothing more than a brood mare. The only thing I can ever look forward to is having babies. I want kids don't get me wrong, but I want love, a house, and a career. I just don't know Zya. It's too strange."

I want to go home. Even as she conversed with Zya, her mind focused only on one thought. Unfortunately, the more she learned about her fate the bleaker her chances of escape were becoming.

Zya patted her hand sympathetically, “I know that you were not selected but forced into this situation and I wish I could explain why, however, the Mantras are very secretive about their ways of procuring Breeders."

She looked away and sighed, “There have been others like you that were taken without permission, and no one knows why. You will learn to accept this; I don't think you have much of a choice."

That little tidbit was not necessarily the best news. It meant that the Mantra would probably go back for more women like her. It also meant there may be no way to get home once the Mantra stranded them on some planet to breed with the natives.


Carina glanced away to look at the other women lounging comfortably around them, “I wonder what happened to all those other earth women that have been taken?"

Zya shrugged, “They were no doubt interbred with some civilization. It would be difficult to know where they have gone since there are many, many inhabited worlds in the Three Galaxies."

Great, just what she needed to hear.

Zya broke off a small piece of the claylike stone from an old crack on the floor. She cleared the metal tray of uneaten food, which one of the mantra had brought and laid in front of them. With the jagged piece of stone, Zya began drawing circular designs and strange numerical like writing. When she was done with the diagram, she turned to Carina.

"Three Galaxies are a formation of several different clusters of planets all connected within a large spiraling galaxy.” Carina watched intently as Zya pointed to the first set of circles and continued to explain,

"There are three populated clusters ... here ... and,” Zya ran her finger across the tray to another set of circles, parallel to the first ones. “Here.” she then traced a hexagon shaped drawing, in the center of the three clusters. “And, because the same ruling body governs them all, it is known as the Three Galaxies."

Carina nodded with understanding, “Each cluster consists of several smaller solar systems."

Zya smiled, “Yes, and many of the planets in these solar systems are habitable and have evolved to where space travel is possible; therefore, trade and communication between those planets has become common."

It all seemed to make sense to Carina, and yet it was so incredibly bizarre at the same time. She thought pensively for a moment, “Do all the worlds represented by the Galactic Governing Council need Breeders?"

Zya looked away and drew a deep breath, before she looked back at Carina, “Some worlds don't really need Breeders for procreation. However, they are coveted for ... other reasons."

"Other reasons?"

Carina noticed how uncomfortable Zya became with this particular topic. “Zya what do you mean other reasons ... I..."

The Mantra appeared suddenly, interrupting their conversation. They were flashed in by some kind of Star Trek-like transport tech, and began ushering the women out of the dormitory. The women were led in single file down the hall to a large rectangular cargo hull.

A hatch opened in front of them and bright light ushered in, filling the room with a warm glow. The smell of fresh grass and clean air filtered in. The breeze smelled incredibly good

Carina had gotten so used to the stale odor of the Mantra's ship that it stunned her when she first inhaled the familiar scent of earth and vegetation.

Before leading the women off the ship, the mantra separated them into groups of ten.

There were approximately three hundred women in all aboard the ship. However, only eighty disembarked for this stop and she was one of them. Her line of ten was the last led outside onto a planet called Yor.

The inhabitants were called Dregs and in desperate need of “Breeders". “Yippy,” she thought sarcastically as she stepped out of the open hatch into ... “Oh crap!"

Her mouth hung open the moment she surveyed her surroundings. The lush green and brown landscape was breathtaking. They had landed in a large clearing that appeared manmade for that purpose.

The Mantra leading her group chirped something at her telling her to keep moving

When they reached a dugout looking structure, the women were spaced about an arm's length apart from each other. They all stood there naked. If that wasn't bad enough, hundreds of men opposite them loitered about, looking as though they hadn't eaten in week. Christ, she felt like filet mignon.

It was extremely discerning to be on the receiving end of so many hungry lust-filled male eyes. Worse there wasn't a single human male among them. They all looked humanoid ... well most of them anyway

A large pale skinned male walked towards her stall. His body was massively muscled. He was bald with large catlike ears that stuck out from his temples. His face was rather feline, with slanted eyes and a wide flat nose. He snarled. One side of his thin lips lifted revealing a rather large, sharp fang.

Carina shrank back, feeling quite intimidated and thoroughly exposed. Knots of nervous tension twisted in her stomach. She looked away from his intensely predatory stare. Her eyes traveled lower to his packed abs, and lower to his ... holy shit!

It was then that she noticed all the men were naked. Catman's cock stood fully erect, long and as thick as her wrist. Her head spun and she felt a bit woozy. She grabbed and held on tightly to Zya's hand, thankful that someone was there to catch her should she pass out.

Zya stared at her as if she had just grown a horn in the middle of her forehead

Carina shook her head, “I don't think I can do this!"

Zya patted her hand, then indicated the open encampment next to a lush green forest on a small hill about twenty feet away. “Look there is a Dreg camp; no doubt they are here to choose their Breeders as well."

There on the hill stood two incredibly muscular men. They were human looking in every way except for the lack of body hair and the strange looking dreadlocks on their heads that seemed more like thin appendages growing from their scalp and they were ... moving?

Yes, moving ... braiding themselves around each other to keep away from the men's faces. Now that was just bizarre. Beings with living hair ... err ... things on their heads

She couldn't pull her eyes away from them. Like her reaction to the previous catlike alien, her belly knotted. However, anxiety had nothing to do with it. She recognized the instant pull of sexual attraction. Oh God.

Even with the strange “hairdo", these men were incredible to look at. Now these beings were definitely male. Their physiques were amazing. The most muscular and toned bodies she had ever seen on a man, lean, smooth, defined, and utterly delectable.

Time seemed to slow down. Everything around her blurred and she could feel her pulse quickening. She roamed her eyes slowly over each Dreg man. Her mouth literally watered and she swore drool was seeping from the corners. Her gaze settled on the area below their waist.

Each man wore a simple loincloth that covered an impressive bulge

Carina stared, entranced by the two men, who each appeared no shorter than six-seven or eight from head to toe. Zya said something, but whatever it was, sounded muffled. Her entire focus was now on the face of the larger Dreg. Her pussy tingled. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

His piercing stare went straight through her

God, his face was absolute male perfection.

He possessed sharp features, which reminded her of the Native American Indians back on earth. High cheekbones, squared jaw that were nothing less than perfectly chiseled. His eyes were slightly slanted and his nose was straight, perfectly complementing his already flawless visage. Lips full and kissable curled slightly into a wickedly sexy grin

It didn't matter that his skin tone was a little on the greenish side, while his companion's was more bluish, he was easily the most attractive man she had ever laid eyes on. Not even the hottest male cover model back on Earth could compare. Carina wondered if the Dregs were really living Gods.

Her belly tightened and a sharp warm trickle of sensation flooded her pussy. It caused her to squeeze her thighs together in an effort to sooth the sudden arousal.

"God what is wrong with me?” Never in her life had she become aroused just looking at a man, interested yes even a little turned on, but not full on arousal. A new surge of anxiety went through her as she read the possessive look on his face ... Oh crap!

He wanted her, and he looked like the kind of man who always got what he wanted. What scared her though, was that she was actually kind of hoping he would get it.

Kaden watched the Mantra lead the first ten Breeders to the starting stalls. All the males in attendance would first inspect, and then choose their desired Breeder. They would then line up in front of their choice and wait for the Mantra to give the signal, beginning the mating hunt.

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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