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Authors: Tessa Rae

Oral Exam (4 page)

BOOK: Oral Exam
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Balling and flexing his fists at his sides, Seth tried to purge from his mind images of his shaft buried in the mouth of his beautiful student. He must have broken at least a dozen codes of conduct yesterday, but his powerful desire for Celeste Cameron overwhelmed all sense of reason. And when he saw her sitting in the far corner of the room, flames of crimson fanning her cheeks while she was bullied by that obnoxious bitch, his gut instinct was to protect her.

“Is there a problem?”

Summer turned, pointing a finger at Celeste. “She’s in my seat.”

He ground his teeth, trying to keep his composure. “I don’t assign seats here, Summer. Now find a new seat, so we can get started.” He wanted to say much worse to Summer, but he was afraid if he was overly defensive of Celeste, he would expose his true feelings.

“Fine.” She stomped toward a seat at the front of the room, slamming her purse on her desk.

Serves her right. Now she can’t text her friends in class, pretending to pay attention.
“I trust you’ve all read chapters 21-30. What do you think of this new development between Mr. Frank Church…” Growling under his breath, Seth was distracted by a sudden beeping sound followed by techno music. “Summer, I’d like for you to pay attention.”

Rolling her eyes, Summer flipped her phone shut, sliding it into her purse. “I
paying attention.” Crossing one leg over the other, Summer unwrapped a stick of gum, shoving it into her plump, hot pink lips.

“Good.” Seth grinned. “You can lead our discussion.”

Folding her hands in front of her, and straightening her back, Summer made a poor show of pretending to be the good student. “What was the question again?”

“Frank and Emma,” Seth sighed, wondering why some students had to be so stupid.
Why couldn’t they all be more like Celeste?

Then a thought marred his brow.
If they were all like Celeste, she wouldn’t be special, and you wouldn’t care for her as much.

Care for her?

A revelation that hit him like a left hook. He couldn’t care for her so soon. He couldn’t set himself up for another fall.

“I think she should go for it.”

“What?” Seth forgot he’d asked Summer a question. Took her long enough to answer, but he was in another dimension, thinking about his temptress.
Be careful, Seth, or your temptress will be your downfall.

Chomping obnoxiously on a wad of gum, Summer rolled her eyes. “I think Emma should go for Frank.”

Figures she’d root for the pompous ass. Every year the seniors were getting more immature. But not Celeste. He sensed she was different from the day she walked into his classroom. “And why is that?”

“That John Knightley guy is too old,” she shrugged. “What is he, like old enough to be her father?”

“I don’t think so,” Seth snapped. Her words struck a nerve. Without even realizing it, this stupid Summer girl was making fools of him and Celeste. They were about as far apart in age as John and Emma.

“He’s in his late thirties, and she’s 21. Gross.” Summer flicked her hand in the air. “Emma needs to hook up with the younger guy.”

Seth tried his best to keep his breathing even, his face a frozen mask of indifference. “Thank you for those enlightening words of wisdom. Anyone else?”

“What about Celeste?” Turning, Summer pointed toward the corner of the room. “She’s always got an opinion. Or maybe she didn’t do the reading. Maybe that’s why she’s sitting in the back.”

“I did my homework,” Celeste flatly replied.

“Okay.” Summer wagged her eyebrows. “So what’s your opinion?”

Seth inwardly grimaced, as his gaze darted toward Celeste. She met his gaze, and for an eternal second, Seth’s heart stopped beating.

By now, all eyes in the classroom were on Celeste, too. Clutching at the corners of his notes, Seth could feel the frustration welling inside. He didn’t like seeing her uncomfortable. But even worse, he feared her answer. What if she realized she’d made a mistake, and she sat in the back because she didn’t want to face him? What if…he wasn’t good enough yesterday?

Celeste batted her lashes, twisting her backpack strap between long, slender fingers. “I think she should follow her heart.”

“Blah.” Summer tossed her hands in the air. “I knew she’d say something like that.”

“That’s an excellent answer, Celeste.” Breathing a sigh of relief, Seth allowed a slight smile to tug at his lips. But inwardly, he was elated. He must have pleased her yesterday. Maybe he’s not a ‘lame fuck’ anymore. But the only way to be sure he succeeded is if she came back for more. His gaze darted toward the clock. Two more interminable hours, then she’d come to him.

He hoped.

Chapter Four

“Why did you sit in the back today?” Looking into Celeste’s bright green eyes, he stroked a soft lock of her hair while she sat cross-legged on his sofa. God, he loved her hair, so pale it fell around her shoulders like a halo. He was glad she’d worn it straight today. No gels or hairspray residue sticking to his fingers as he stroked her silken tendrils. How he would love to have her creamy tresses fanned out over his thighs while his cock was buried in her throat, her tongue darting up and down his foreskin.

“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I felt uncomfortable, I guess.”

Seth leaned in, lifting her chin, until pouty lips were within inches of his breath. “Are you ashamed of what we did?”

“No. It’s just… I didn’t want to be distracted.”

Smiling, Seth thought of his growing erection, knowing exactly what she was talking about. “Do I distract you?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

He brushed a soft kiss upon her lips, savoring the taste of her cherry lipgloss. “Now you know how it feels. You’ve been my distraction ever since the semester began.”

“Really?” Her hands came to his jawbone, stroking his face, his neck.

“Of course.” He kissed her again, adding a gentle tug on her bottom lip. “And you weren’t even wearing these short skirts.” His lips traced a path down her neck and across her collarbone. The subtle aroma of peaches on her skin reminded Seth of her body, sweet and ripe. Brushing his hand down her thigh, he hiked the skimpy fabric, until he glimpsed her trim, pale curls. He rested his hand on her inner thigh, gently kneading her smooth flesh.

“I borrowed this from a friend.” Caressing her hips, she slid her hand under his, drawing slow circles in the center of his palm.

His gaze dropped, as he relished in the sensation of her provocative touch. “You don’t need to dress like this for me.”

“Good.” Kicking off her shoes, she threw both legs across his thighs. “Those heels were killing my feet.”

He broke her grasp, sliding both hands down her warm thighs, cupping her smooth calves, before taking firm hold of her feet. “Would you like me to massage them?”

Her hand flew to her mouth, and she nibbled the end of a fingernail. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“Believe me when I say, I’ll enjoy this as much as you will.”
Why would she think I’d mind? A woman as beautiful as Celeste should be used to TLC. Then again, maybe she’s only dated college jerks.

Seth thought back to when he was a horny college pup. The only thing he cared about was sticking his cock in a co-ed’s pussy. But he was wiser now, and understood the importance of making a woman happy, especially if you didn’t want to catch her in bed with another man. “Lay back on the couch. I’ll be right back.”

Celeste missed his warmth as soon as he stood up.

He strode over to his bookcase, flipping open the cabinet to reveal an ipod nestled in a small speaker. With one touch of the button, the soft hum of classical music filled the air. Grabbing a matchbox off the shelf, he struck a match, lighting a large candle.

Celeste caught the subtle aroma of warm vanilla wafting from the bookcase.

After disappearing behind a partition for over a minute, he emerged with a bottle of chilled wine, two long stemmed glasses, and a steaming white towel folded across his forearm. Setting the glasses on the coffee table in front of her, she watched as he filled both glasses to the top, amazed at the trouble he’d gone through to enhance the mood. “Do you have a restaurant hidden back there?”

He handed her a glass. “Just a microwave and a small fridge. As much time as I spend here grading papers, I need it. Not to mention plenty of steaming towels to ease my throbbing head.” Taking a sip of wine, he set down his glass and sat on the couch, easing her feet on top of his legs.

She took a large gulp of wine. “Papers that bad?”

“Worse every year,” he growled. “How’s this?” Seth pressed the warm towel against her throbbing feet.

The heat seeped into her aching muscles, and she felt the tension in her coiled tendons unravel.

“Very nice,” she drawled, taking another large sip of wine, enjoying the subtly sweet taste as it flowed smoothly down her throat. She wasn’t a wine connoisseur, being used to beer kegs and JD punch at fraternity parties, but whatever brand or year it was, she knew it was good.

Seth’s strong hands slowly worked their way up her calves. “You seem tense. Relax your legs. Take another sip.”

Relaxing into the pillow cushions, she gladly obeyed. “Mmmm. This is good.”

“Now, about yesterday.” He kneaded knuckles into the soles of her feet. “I’m glad I pleased you, but let’s see if we can make it last a little longer.” He brushed his fingertips across the top of her feet and up her calves.

Sensual shivers raced up her spine. “Oh.”

“I need to tease you more.” Blue eyes sparkling, he flashed a wicked grin. “I gave in to your needs too soon.”

“No, please.” She raised up, trying to kick her feet in protest.

Firm hands held her legs in place. “Yes, my sweet. You need to learn patience. You’ll find the climax in the end will be even better.” He rubbed her feet with more intensity.

She shook her head, enjoying another large gulp of wine. “I don’t think you can top yesterday.”

One dark brow shot up. “Is that a challenge?”

“Uh.” Celeste’s glass tipped midway to her mouth, dumping what little was left in the glass all over her white blouse.

“Too late to throw in the towel. Pray for mercy.” With one fluid motion, he was on top of her, licking the spilled drink off her neck and the exposed cleavage of her breasts. Lifting Celeste to a sitting position, he made quick work of the buttons on her blouse, tossing it to the floor.

As he pulled her to standing, she had to steady her hands on his chest while her head rolled with the heady sensation of the alcohol.

“You okay?” He breathed into her ear in between heated kisses along her neck.

“I think it’s the wine,” she slurred. Barely one glass of wine, and she was tipsy. Either that or the throbbing hunger of passion was making her dizzy. Her pussy craved his fingers in her again. She wanted to come badly, and didn’t want to wait. “Please, sir.”

He latched on to her neck so hard, Celeste could feel the breaking of skin.

“Ouch!” She pressed her hands into his chest, trying to break his hold.

Slowly releasing her neck, he pulled away, steadying her shoulders with strong hands. “I told you to call me Seth.”

“I know.” Her teeth tugged at her bottom lip. “I—I’m just not used to it.”

“I’m not your professor now, Celeste.” He looked into her eyes with a hardened gaze. “I’m your lover.”

“Alright, Seth.” She hiccupped, grinning lazily.

Before she knew it, he’d removed all of her clothes and she was back on the couch. Seth sat next to her, hastily undressing while she finished a second serving of wine. She handed him the empty glass, and slowly easing her legs open, Celeste offered her lover her pussy, hoping he’d indulge in the feast and not let her wait too long for release.

“Please, Seth.” She looked at him with pleading eyes. “Make me come.”

He hovered over her, the bottle of wine in hand. “Open your legs wider,” he commanded.

Stretching her legs further apart, Celeste watched in shock as he tipped the bottle over her pussy. She gasped as cold fluid shocked her cunt, colliding with the warm juices dripping from her swollen cavern.

He came to his knees between her legs, his tongue darting in and out of her cunt, while his lips nibbled and sucked on her growing bud. He poured more wine on her pussy, flooding her quavering lips with stimulating spirals of hot and cold pleasure. As Seth’s tongue and lips continued their assault, Celeste fought to repress a scream.

Lifting her legs higher, she could feel her climax building.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He demanded. “You’re not going to come yet.”

She dropped her legs, whimpering in protest as he pulled away.

Slowly pouring the rest of the wine in both glasses, Seth’s features darkened, his wicked eyes casting Celeste a sideways glance.

Her heart leapt into her throat as she watched him peel the label from the bottle. Her pussy trembled in anticipation. “What are you going to do with that?”

He didn’t answer, but she read his intention in the passionate fury of his eyes.

Positioning himself between her spread legs again, Seth pressed firm fingers on her thighs, and forced her to open wider. His sharp look sending her a warning not to close her legs, he picked up the bottle and positioned the tip on the edge of her cunt. A deliberate smile stretched across his lips as he slid the tip of the bottle into her pussy, one agonizing second at a time, until the entire neck of the bottle was buried to the hilt.

Her hands flew to her scalp as she tugged at her hair, tossing her head from side to side. The frigid glass of the bottle chilled and electrified every nerve in her pussy.

Positioning the base of his thumb on her nub, he withdrew the bottle, then pushed it into her cunt again, this time harder. When his thumb gently stroked her nub, and he withdrew and shoved the bottle again, Celeste couldn’t help but buck her hips against each stroke.

She tried to refrain herself, tried to still her gyrating hips, but her ravenous body betrayed her. “Please, Seth. Don’t stop.”

Celeste practically screamed in frustration as he withdrew the bottle and his finger.

BOOK: Oral Exam
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