Read Oral Exam Online

Authors: Tessa Rae

Oral Exam (6 page)

BOOK: Oral Exam
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“Boxing?” Jordan’s eyes lit up. “Hey, mind if I join you?”

“Sorry, buddy.” In a grand sweep of his arm, Seth checked the time on his watch. “I’ve got a lecture in a few minutes.”

“Damn. Well, I’ll let you get to it.” Jordan leaned in, pretending a feint to Seth’s left shoulder. “Sorry for bothering you.”

“No problem. Thanks for checking.” He closed the door, having no patience to engage in a pretend boxing match.

With a sigh of resignation, he realized Celeste had to leave before any more visitors came to his office. Besides, he did have the lecture. Hurrying to the bathroom, he called through the door. “All Clear.”

Celeste came out, patting her shirt with a wet paper towel. “That was close.”

“Yeah,” he mumbled, gaze glued to her chest. Her shirt fabric soaked in the water, making it nearly transparent. The scent of wine rose up from her chest. Had they spilled wine during lovemaking? He was so absorbed in the great sex he hadn’t noticed.

Large green eyes searched his, a line marring her brow. “I don’t want to get you fired.”

“You won’t.” He grasped her shoulders, planting a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll just have to be more careful. What are you doing this weekend?”

“There’s this fraternity party…” She clamped her mouth shut, eyes shifting as if she was searching for the right words. “But I don’t have to go.” The corners of her lips turned up in a tender smile, while she reached out, trailing a hand up his chest.

One touch and his skin was electrified, anticipating another chance to fuck his beautiful student. “I’ve got this cabin in the mountains. Very secluded. No interruptions, so we can continue our…tutoring sessions.”

She broke into a wide grin, running her fingers down his biceps. “Sounds wonderful.”

He pulled away and grabbed a pen and paper off his desk, hastily scribbling his cell number. Grasping her elbow, he guided her toward the door. He cracked it open, checking to see the hallway was empty.

“Meet me there tomorrow night. It’s only about forty-five minutes out of town.” He slipped his number in her hand. “Call me when you’re heading out, and I’ll give you directions. You can’t always find it by GPS.”

Cupping her face with both hands, he leaned in for a quick peck, but she pressed her slender frame against him, rubbing peaked nipples against his chest and pulling him in for a deeper kiss. Seth couldn’t refuse the temptation, savoring the taste of fresh cherry lip gloss and minty mouthwash as their tongues collided, teasing and probing.

His arousal was instant. As if she could hear his cock begging for her touch, she rubbed her leg against it, the friction only intensifying the teasing agony. His release would have to wait until tomorrow night. Until then, he knew he’d have a hard time turning off the brain in his cock. It had a mind of its own, and right now, all of its thoughts were on Celeste’s talented tongue and swollen pussy.

The sound of footsteps down the hall made them both jump apart. She quickly brushed back her hair and wiped the moisture off her swollen lips. Seth couldn’t resist squeezing her ass while she slipped through the door.

He wiped his brow. An apprehensive chill swept over his body as he realized how close he’d come to losing his career. He’d have to be more careful, but he couldn’t stop seeing her. Something about Celeste drew him to her in an inexplicable way. And no matter how sated he’d felt after their two sexual encounters, his lust for her had only grown more insatiable.

Watching her hot little ass scamper down the hallway, he knew he was playing with fire. But getting burned never felt so good.

Chapter Five

“What are you wearing to the Alpha Pi party tomorrow?” Lisa was admiring her shapely figure in the mirror. Wearing a short, low cut black dress, she held an even skimpier red dress against her body.

“I’m not going.” Celeste shrugged, pulling her overnight suitcase from under her bed.

“Not going?” Lisa turned, throwing the red dress across a chair. “Why?”

Celeste looked away after she saw her friend’s stern expression. “I’m spending the weekend at Seth’s cabin.” Throwing the suitcase on her bed, she unzipped it and walked to her closet.

Cocking one hip, Lisa folded her arms across her chest. “Seth?”

Celeste squared her shoulders, narrowing her eyes at her friend. “Professor Hamilton,” she huffed, bracing herself for her friend’s reaction.

“Oh,” Lisa’s pitch rose several octaves. “So now we’re on a first name basis?”

“Lisa,” Celeste sighed. “I’m sucking his cock. We’re way past the awkward name issues.”

“I see.” Lisa’s tone was cool.

“Good,” Celeste bitterly intoned. “I’m glad you understand.”

All night and all morning, Seth had constantly invaded Celeste’s thoughts. She couldn’t control these growing feelings for him, and worse, she had no one to confide in. Lisa refused to tie herself to one person, so Celeste knew her friend wouldn’t understand why she’d fallen for a much older man.

But thinking about spending an entire weekend alone with him made the knot in her stomach twist and turn with anticipation. Not even thoughts of Corbin had made her feel this way.

“This is Corbin’s Frat party, Celeste,” Lisa reprimanded.

Casting a glare in Lisa’s direction, Celeste threw a handful of panties into her suitcase, careful not to pack any kitties. “I know.”

“The Professor,” Lisa hissed. “Oh no, excuse me,
, was supposed to be a mentor,
a lover.”

Celeste’s hand itched with the need to slap Lisa, but she continued to pack, not hiding the growing anger in her voice. “What do
care what he is to me?”

“Holy fuck, Celeste!” Lisa’s fingers flew to her temples. “You can’t really be falling in love with him.”

Celeste rolled her eyes. “Do we have to be discussing this?”

Dealing with these raw emotions about Seth was difficult enough without having to defend herself to Lisa. Truthfully, she didn’t understand the sudden giddiness whenever she thought about him holding her or the chill that swept up her spine when she recalled his heated nibbles on the back of her neck, her breasts. Maybe it was just lust.

Or maybe…

“How old is this guy?”

“I don’t know,” Celeste huffed. “Does it matter?”

“No, it doesn’t.” Examining her nails, Lisa leaned against their dresser, tilting her mouth in a taunting grin. “Why don’t you bring him home to meet your parents? I’m sure they’d love another reason to criticize you.”

Feeling every muscle in her body tense, Celeste spoke with a rigid jaw. “Kind of like what you’re doing right now.”

Lisa had to bring them up, didn’t she? For the span of one weekend, Celeste was hoping she wouldn’t have to think of her parents. Just one weekend for her to be herself.

“I’m just looking out for you.” She pointed an accusing finger. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Celeste threw up her hands. “You were the one who told me to seduce him.”

“This was supposed to be just practice.”

Celeste slammed her cosmetics into the suitcase, shutting it with a thud. “That’s why I’m going to his cabin.”

Tired of arguing, she didn’t want to tell Lisa that her relationship with Seth could turn into more than just ‘practice’. In his soft eyes, she didn’t see judgment, she saw understanding. The tone of his voice didn’t carry the icy disappointment of her parents.

He wanted to please her, even after she had brought his climax. His consideration was so different from her first two assholes. Was it wrong of her to just want someone to give in return?

“Fine.” Lisa crossed her arms. “Have you been studying my laws?”

Celeste laughed under her breath. “I had to write a term paper.”

Bending over the computer next to their dresser, Lisa clicked a few times with her mouse. The laser printer quickly spit out three sheets of paper. Lisa turned, waving the papers in Celeste’s face. “Here.”

The headline on the first paper read, “Lisa’s Laws for Sucking Cock.”

Sighing, Celeste shoved the papers back at her friend. “I’ve already read your laws.”

“Quit fuming for a minute and read them again.” Lisa pushed Celeste’s hand away. Tilting a smile, she playfully punched her friend on the shoulder. “If you really think he could be the one, then you need to master him.”

Laughing, Celeste grabbed her friend in a fierce hug. “Thank you, Lisa.” As a warm sense of relief washed over her, Celeste blinked back the tears that were forming in the backs of her eyes.

She couldn’t understand why she had suddenly become so emotional, or why Lisa’s approval meant so much. But she needed support from her best friend. Maybe because she knew she would never get that kind of understanding from her parents. She briefly thought about that time in third grade when they lectured her for an entire weekend after she came home with an A minus on her spelling test.

“Hey.” Lisa pulled back. “You’re wrinkling my laws. I worked hard perfecting those.”

Celeste frowned. Lisa did work hard on them, and Celeste had to show appreciation for her friend’s efforts. Nothing hurt more than striving to please a loved one, only to have your efforts criticized and rebuked.

“I’m sorry.” Celeste smoothed out the papers in her hand. Maybe she had time to read the laws once more.

Lisa’s Laws for Sucking Cock

1. You’re in control. Make your partner sit back and enjoy the ride. Allow him to tell you what works for him, but don’t let him take over.
2. To tease is to please. Don’t go straight for the penis. Make him beg for it. Kiss his thighs, naval, and feather kisses across his cock, especially the sensitive crease between his head and shaft. Don’t forget to lick, suck and stroke the balls.
3. Lots and lots of saliva. The wetter your mouth, the smoother and more satisfying the friction for your partner. Don’t be afraid to make a mess. On your face, hands, neck, tits. Lather yourself up, and let the penis explore your body, too.
4. The tongue is soooo fun. Nothing drives a man more wild than the tongue. Not too much pressure, but licking his cock from stem to base drives him wild. Don’t stop there. Be sure to engage the tongue with his cock buried in your throat.
5. Go crazy. Lick and suck as deeply as you can go, and then some. Allow your hands to have fun. Wet them thoroughly and smother his balls. They like attention, too. They especially love you to suckle them and rub them in your face. Use your hand to stroke his shaft while you’re sucking, but be gentle with your grip. Too hard, and he’ll be crying in pain, not pleasure. And remember to watch the teeth. You’re not trying to shave him.
6. The ass is a blast. The asshole can be a source of extreme pleasure. Rub circles around the outer edges for several strokes while his cock is buried in your throat. If he’s game, gently insert your finger a little deeper each time, until your mouth and finger are working together. But be careful, he’s likely to explode sooner this way.
7. Please, then tease. Make the blowjob last. Bring your partner near climax several times before allowing his explosion. You’ll find that this makes your pussy wetter, too, and after his climax, a few strokes of his finger across your clit, and you’ll be screaming at the ceiling.
8. Ignore everything you’ve seen in porn flicks. No small talk during the blowjob, unless you want to tell him how much you enjoy sucking his glorious penis. No repetitive thrusting and gagging. Suck him like he’s a delicious, euphoric popsicle, enjoying each sensual thrust into your mouth. Remember, the penis is your friend. Listen to him. Notice the subtle swelling and throbbing of the head when you are sucking just right.
9. It’s up to you if you want him to come in your mouth. If you don’t like the taste, ask him to warn you, and stroke his cock to orgasm or squeeze your lathered tits around his shaft, and let him fuck away. One side note, though—it really doesn’t taste bad, and sperm is packed full of protein. Give it a try at least once. Nothing is more erotic than tasting the juices of your labor.
10. Enjoy yourself. When you have fun, your partner will have fun. Remember these four elements to a fantastic blowjob: Explore, enjoy, tease and please.

Chapter Six

Celeste pulled into the dirt drive of a building that looked to be more house than cabin. She expected to find logs, an overgrowth of trees and wild animals scurrying about. Instead, a wide path cut through towering pines, leading to a beautifully kept brick home overlooking Pyramid Lake.

Climbing out of her truck, she inhaled the clean mountain air. The smell of fresh pine and damp earth assailed her senses.

The front door opened, and she had to do a double-take at the rugged male who stood on the porch.

Dressed in tight jeans, Seth left the top few buttons of his hunter green flannel shirt unbuttoned, exposing dark chest hairs. Flashing a lopsided grin, Seth exuded masculinity, down to tanned leather hiking boots.

He ran a hand through his ruffled black hair, which looked like he’d just rolled out of bed.

How she wanted to get this stud back under the sheets. The quavering in her knees shot spirals of lust to her dampening pussy. Her professor was gone, and in his place was the man she had fantasized behind that stark exterior.

“Let me get your things.” He opened the trunk of her jeep, throwing her bag over a shoulder with ease.

She waited at the porch steps, admiring how Seth’s forearm tightened and flexed when he shoved the rear door of her SUV shut with one fluid motion.

Following him into the house, she caught the aroma of cinnamon and something warm that she couldn’t identify. Gentle creaking of the dark wood floors accompanied every footstep. They walked through a short hallway to an enormous room. In the center was a huge stone fireplace that sprung from the floor and disappeared into the ceiling like an overgrown tree. The dining area was to the left of the fireplace, and a spacious living room was on the other side.

BOOK: Oral Exam
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