Read Oral Exam Online

Authors: Tessa Rae

Oral Exam (8 page)

BOOK: Oral Exam
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“Don’t put me here,” she pleaded. “I’m so wet.”

“It’s okay.” He brushed a damp tendril of hair off her forehead. “You’ll be on a blanket. I think you could use a nap.”

“A nap?” She hadn’t napped in ages. Too much studying. Too much noise in the sorority house. Too many painful memories keeping her awake. But her lids felt so heavy, and her body so—sated.

He laid her down, enveloping her in a soft, cozy blanket.

Ooooh. So nice.

Opening her legs, he wiped her with a damp towel and then tucked the blanket around her.

Celeste sighed as the soft fabric caressed her sensitive skin, and she sank into pillowy cushions. The heat from the fire permeated the blanket and soothed her senses. She felt warm, secure, and oh so satisfied.

When she felt his weight shift off the couch, her slitted eyes sought him. He was putting more logs in the fire, lean muscles flexing and bulging as he worked. Smiling, she closed her eyes. She could definitely get used to Seth.

Chapter Seven

Seth sat by the warm fire, wearing nothing but a flannel robe while he watched Celeste sleep. Curled into a fetal position, her blonde halo fell around her shoulders and spilled over the edge of the sofa. Long, pale lashes fanned almost to her cheekbones, and her pouty lips were slightly parted while she drew gentle breaths. She looked like an angel.


But this girl was certainly no innocent. She had boldly seduced him, and like a fool, he had willingly relented.

Placing his head in his hands, he groaned, thinking about his current situation. He was fucking a girl fifteen years his junior. He could lose his job, possibly destroy his career. Not to mention his heart. Remembering how his marriage had ended, catching his wife in bed with another man, he’d sworn off relationships. Too bitter, too painful.

Was he insane?

Probably. But he had no willpower when it came to Celeste. And making love to her was different than with any other woman. He felt connected, and not just physically.

What if this time things could be different? He tried to convince himself he wasn’t to blame for Katherine’s infidelity. Just like he wasn’t to blame for the miscarriages. Some women weren’t made to bear children.

Or maybe…

No, don’t go there, Seth. Even the doctors said it wasn’t your fault.

“Seth? How long was I asleep?”

His gaze caught her lethargic smile, as she raised her arms above her head in a catlike stretch. She’d kicked off her blankets, revealing two perfectly sized breasts, a small waist, a beautiful thatch of blonde curls, and two long lean legs. She was a goddess.

His goddess.

But he still couldn’t understand her motivation. Was she just looking for a sexual mentor, so she could move on when she had enough experience? Or was she genuinely attracted to him? They did have a love of literature in common. As an engineer, Katherine didn’t understand Seth’s passion for books. But Celeste was different.

Keep telling yourself that, Seth. Maybe you’ll believe it.


He caught Celeste’s questioning gaze, realizing that his mind had been drifting again.

“Sorry.” Rising from his chair, he felt the urge to be closer to her. He sat at the edge of the couch, shifting her calves on top of his lap. “You’ve been sleeping for over an hour.”

A hand flew to her mouth as she shot up. “An hour? Oh, no. I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” He smiled, gently rubbing the knotted muscles in her legs with the pads of his fingers.

“Ooohh.” She threw her head back, moaning. “That feels good.” She tilted her chin forward, and her warm gaze found his. “But I didn’t come here to sleep.”

His cock hardened. The one eye in his shaft must have seen her provocative eyes through his boxers. “Why did you come here?”

“To…to.” Biting her bottom lip, she batted her eyes, crimson flames coloring her cheeks.

Was she embarrassed? His little temptress was quite a paradox. First she seduced him, then she played the innocent. Sliding his fingers up her thighs, he decided to jar her memory. “For help with the oral exam?”

She licked her top lip. “That’s part of it.”

“To have sex?” Lifting one of her legs behind him, he leaned over and skimmed a finger around the lips of her swollen cunt.

“Yes,” she gasped, “that too.”

“Was there a third reason?” He licked a finger, then parted her pussy lips with the other hand. He stroked her core from bottom to top, then back again.

Her core responded by releasing a wave of juices. “Why are you asking me this?” She moaned, falling back while spreading her legs wider.

Hastily removing his robe, he came to his knees. Placing his hands above her shoulders, his body was within inches of hers. His swollen cock nudged her slick entrance. He wanted so badly to slide into her, to fuck her beautiful body until they were both screaming with pleasure, but he had to know the truth. He couldn’t keep suppressing these growing feelings, while not knowing if she felt the same way.

“Why are you here, Celeste?”

“I don’t know why I’m here.” She looked at him with wide, pale eyes. “Honestly. I thought I just wanted to learn about sex.”

“You’re a beautiful girl. You could have found any man to teach you.”

“But I wanted
to teach me.” She skimmed her hand across his cheek.

He was almost undone by the heat of her gentle caress, by the honesty he read in her eyes. “What happens when you’ve learned everything?”

She shook her head, her fingers trailing through the hair on his chest, his naval. “I don’t think what we do can be taught.”

His heart skipped, as a lump rose in his throat.
Does she feel it, too?

Her soft hands traced a line up his back. “The feelings I get when we’re making love. I don’t think I can recreate those. I can feel your pleasure, almost like I’m part of you. Am I crazy?”

“No,” He breathed, feeling a weight lift from his chest, and a sense of euphoria electrify his entire body. Like he was some lovesick pup, and she was his first ever.
She is your first, Seth. You’ve never felt this way for another.
“You’re not crazy.”

“Maybe.” She bit her bottom lip. “It was the heat of the moment.”

He knew what they felt was more than that, but he wasn’t about to contradict her. He pressed his body to hers. His cock breached her outer walls, sliding in barely an inch. Quirking a brow, he licked one pebbled nipple, then another. “Perhaps we should try again and find out.”


“Oh, yes!” Celeste moaned in delight as Seth finally pushed all the way inside her.

Spreading her legs wider, she raised her hips toward her chest, allowing his large cock maximum penetration. She winced as he accepted her invitation, sliding in his entire length until she felt her body would burst with his fullness.

Tossing her head from side to side, she screamed while he pounded her with deep, pulsating strokes. She felt her orgasm quickly build with the relentless pressure of his length buried and bumping against her sensitive flesh.

She instinctively lifted her ankles until they were well past her head and could tell by his groans that her move had pleased him.

Grasping both of her wrists, Seth pushed her further into the couch cushions, burying his cock into depths she didn’t think possible. He pressed his weight against her, biting her neck and ear.

She was about to explode, and she could tell by the way the way veins strained in his neck and jaw, he was going to cum with her. Her hungry mouth found his, and their tongues collided in face fucking passion when the power of orgasm shook her core. Her hips raised and flexed as each wave of ecstasy swept her.

He groaned and grunted into her mouth, biting her lip in between each jerky thrust of his hips. She dug her fingers into his ass, massaging his flexing muscles, as his warm juices flood her channel.

Celeste smiled in satisfaction, as teasing twitches tickled her pussy walls. His cock still buried deep inside, Seth’s weight pressed into her while he breathed hard against her shoulder. Even though he was heavy, and she was sweating from the heat of their passion, she didn’t want him to move. She liked Seth right where he was.

Holding her. Loving her.

Ever since she woke up and caught him sitting across from her, wearing nothing but a flannel robe, she wanted his cock. She threw off her blanket, stretching her body and spreading her legs, hoping that would entice him.

Her plan worked. He was at the couch in a heartbeat. First, he rubbed her legs, sending shivers of heat racing through her body.

But she could feel the warmth of his lust, and knew he wanted her just as badly. She also sensed something was holding him back, and knew he had been thinking about their relationship while she slept. How had she known him so well when they’d been intimate for just a few days?

But after his line of questioning, she was sure he wanted more from her than just sex. And for some reason, she wasn’t afraid to give herself to this man. She wasn’t afraid to let go of her past. And she knew now that she definitely didn’t want to use Seth as practice for What’s-His-Face. No, she just wanted Seth.

Stroking his thick hair, she pressed a light kiss on his temple and sighed again, basking in his warmth. Her heart had found a home, and she wasn’t going to let this man go.


Seth laid on top of Celeste for what seemed an eternity. He groaned as she ran her fingers through his hair and rubbed his scalp and temples.

I could get used to this.

Skimming his coarse fingers up and down her thighs, he enjoyed the smooth texture of her skin. He knew by now he was becoming too heavy for her, but when he tried to pull away, she grabbed him by the hair, pushing his body back on hers. He inwardly smiled. She wanted him. Not just for sex, but after sex, too.

Disturbing thoughts marred his brow.

How many days after will she want me? Will she want me when my grey hairs outnumber the black? Will she want me if I can’t give her children?

He balled his fists, squeezing until nails broke skin, trying to repress the growing irritation at his morbid thoughts. Why was he always doing this to himself? Why couldn’t he just let the past go?

“What’s wrong, Seth?” Celeste tugged on his ear.

“Nothing,” he murmured. He couldn’t tell her of his turmoil. Not yet. He didn’t want to scare her away too soon.

“Don’t tell me nothing’s wrong,” she scolded. “I want to know.”


Jerking his head up, Seth looked into wide eyes. “Was that your stomach?”

She bit her bottom lip, shifting under his weight.


Seth’s gaze trailed to her growling midsection. “I think you’ve got a monster in there.” He touched her naval, and it bucked and quavered against him. “A monster that needs to be fed.”

hungry,” she sighed. “I was too excited to eat much this morning.”

“Let’s get you fed. The chicken will only take a few minutes to reheat.” He stood and pulled her off the couch.

Celeste scrunched her nose, pressing both thighs together, like a small child who was trying to repress the urge to pee.

Too late.

He watched the juices from their lovemaking run down her inner thighs.

“Let me get you a towel.”

“Hurry,” she pleaded, “before I puddle your floor.”

Seth did a quick inventory of the room. His gaze caught his briefs on the other side of the sofa. Scooping up the underwear, he pressed the fabric between her legs. She lifted one long leg, resting it on a couch cushion, while bold eyes found his. She flashed a sultry smile, opening her cavern with slender fingers.

Feeling the blood in his cock stir, he had to exercise all of his willpower to keep from throwing her back on the couch. She needed to eat.

He shifted the underwear between her legs again. “You are a naughty little temptress.”

Her mouth dropped. “You think I’m a temptress?”

He laughed. “You act as if that’s hard to believe.”

“No, it’s just…” Her voice faltered, then she burst out laughing.

He cocked a brow. “Did I miss the punch line?”

Grabbing the back of his neck with both hands, Celeste pulled his lips to hers for a bruising kiss. Pushing him away just as quickly, her wide eyes sparkled with mischief. “No, baby, you didn’t miss a thing. Now, where’s the shower? I think my stomach can wait a few more minutes.”

Chapter Eight

Lying between Seth’s spread legs, Celeste warmed herself by the fire as she sank into the soft fabric of the fleece robe he had lent her. Every so often, she reached across a firm thigh for her wine glass on the coffee table. Savoring the tangy juices, she settled back against her lover, cooing in delight while he stroked her scalp.

After a long hot shower and a delicious meal, she hadn’t objected when he suggested they relax. She could think of no better place than snuggling with Seth. Too bad the weekend had to end, and they’d be back in class, she pretending to be the obedient student, he the ascetic professor.

“You’re awfully quiet,” he murmured. “Care to share your thoughts?”

Sighing, she smoothed her hands across his chest. “I don’t want this to end.”

He planted a tender kiss on her head. “What to end?”

“This moment.” She ran her fingers through his coarse chest hair. “Lying here with you.”

“Well, it has to end—right now.” Grasping both of her elbows, he pushed her away.

Celeste instantly missed his warmth, and her head felt a little light after downing three glasses of wine. “What do you mean?”

A teasing brow shot up. “Did you bring a bathing suit?”

“No,” her voice cracked as she recalled the tub on his deck.

He couldn’t possibly. Not in this chill.

He grinned, pulling them both off the couch at the same time. “You’ll have to do without.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“Outside. It should be hot by now. Here, put these on.”

He handed her an oversized pair of navy blue slippers. They swallowed her feet and threatened to slip off as she followed him to the rear of the cabin. But when he opened the porch door and a rush of night air chilled her legs, she was grateful her soles had protection.

BOOK: Oral Exam
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